Mount and blade train peasants
Mount and blade train peasants

Meaning you will have a 100% Prisoner capture rate if only these guys do your killing, and you then ransom off entire armies for massive Roguery XP. These bolts are non-lethal and KO the target instead of kill. You see, the Mercenary guard have crossbows that fire Blunt bolts. Now that you have your Mercenary Guards (20+ is ideal, and this can take on groups of looters over five times their size) it’s just a matter of grinding more battles. Repeat the process with your Watchmen and upgrade them to Mercenary Guards, this is what we want. So don’t upgrade any until all are ready. Because of how troop XP, the entire unit class shares an XP pool. As a tip, try to upgrade all your troops at once. Your peasants will level up to Watchmen quite fast, Watchmen have no ranged attack, so they’re slightly more dangerous to level up against looters, so expect more fatalities.

Mount and blade train peasants